Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mom's Grief Group

Why a group when one is grieving?  A group can be helpful in gathering relevant information, talking and sharing about your loss, and supporting others who have had a similar loss.  I have watched a beautiful group of moms who have had a child die, lift each other in their deep time of grief.  We have two groups specifically for moms who have had a child die.  Daytime group meets Mondays: 11:30 - 1:00 and the evening group is meeting Wednesdays 6:15 - 7:45 pm.   Please contact Becky Andrews, LPC, FT at 801.259.3883 or email: for the specific schedule.

A group member shares:
A mother who has buried her child can't breathe at times, can't see at times, can't hear at times, can't focus hardly anytime.  The group Becky has for us is a place we can breathe again, see other grieving moms, hear familiar sounding problems and pain and allows us to focus where we really want to focus, on our child and how to cope with his/her leaving us.  We feel free to laugh in group because we all know that we may not be laughing an hour from now.  Group is a place of love, understanding, compassion; it's the place where people GET IT.

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