Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Group for Children with parents who are divorced

See that the "children aren't forgotten" when divorce occurs.

10-week group to begin Tuesday, January 10th.  ($250/10 weeks)

Children who live in divorcing families often experience their primary relationships as "unpredictable and double binding". These children manage the resulting anxiety by narrowing their feelings and ideas about themselves, other people, and relationships into "very simple and rigid patterns". They become distrustful and begin to avoid closeness as a means of creating safety for themselves. They become distrustful and hard to reach such that they are difficult to engage (see "High-Conflict, Violent, and Separating Families" by Vivienne Roseby, Ph.D and Janet R. Johnston, Ph.D).

Michael Van Dam, LCSW, is offering an interactive group designed to demystify children's responses to divorce, to reduce anxiety and shame related to their family experience, to know that "they aren't the only one", and to establish a "new normal" to help them proceed with assurance, confidence, and hope in their lives. As a Certified Music Therapist, I will incorporate musical interventions into the group format.
For information, contact Michael Van Dam, LCSW, 801.815.6152
or email:  vandam.michael@gmail.com

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